Monday 13 October 2014

India, Pakistan troops exchange fire again on Kashmir LoC

India, Pakistan troops exchange fire again on Kashmir LoC   2014-10-11 21:04:58
SRINAGAR, Indian-controlled Kashmir, Oct. 11 (Taking covers) -- The troops of India and Pakistan Saturday again exchanged fire on the Line of Control (LoC) in Kashmir and targeted each others positions, officials said.
The two sides used light weapons and fired on each others posts in Poonch, about 180 km southwest of Srinagar city, the summer capital of Indian-controlled Kashmir. The fresh exchange took place after a day's lull.
"After a brief lull there was again a cease-fire violation today and both sides exchanged heavy fire," said an official posted in Poonch. "The firing started at 1:00 p.m. (local time) and is going on."
On Thursday night border guards of the two countries exchanged heavy fire on the international border (IB), which was followed by a calm in the area.
Since the beginning of this month border guards and troops of the two countries traded heavy fire after a month-long gap.
Indian officials said Pakistani firing has so far killed eight people and wounded around 70 others, while as Pakistani media reported 12 people on their side were killed and over 50 wounded.
Reports said nearly 20,000 people living close to the border have migrated to safer places in wake of the heavy firing.
Though Friday's lull brought a temporary peace, the fresh exchange has added to the worries of migrated families.
Both New Delhi and Islamabad accuse each other of resorting to unprovoked firings and violating cease-fire agreements, while both sides maintain that their troops gave befitting reply to the other side.
The troops of India and Pakistan intermittently exchange fire on the LoC and IB, despite an agreement in 2003 to observe cease- fire. Though some violations have been reported on both sides, the cease-fire remains in effect.
The LoC is a de facto border that divides Kashmir into India and Pakistan controlled parts. The LoC on both sides is guarded by army, while the IB is guarded by border security forces on the Indian side and Pakistan Rangers on the other side.
Last year deadly skirmishes took place between Indian and Pakistani troops posted on the 720-km-long LoC and 198-km-long IB in Kashmir. Both sides suffered troop and civilian casualties during the stand-off.
Kashmir, the Himalayan region divided between India and Pakistan is claimed by both in full. Since their independence from Britain, the two countries have fought three wars, two exclusively over Kashmir.

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