Wednesday 28 May 2014

Mehsud group’s separation termed big blow to TTP

ISLAMABAD: Analysts have described the Mehsud faction’s parting its ways with the Tehrik-i-Taliban (TTP) as a big blow to the proscribed outfit, saying the latest development has opened more options for the government.

However, the analysts have warned that Mehsud group’s links with ‘Punjabi Taliban’ and al-Qaeda may be dangerous.

Former diplomat and member of Taliban negotiation committee, Rustam Shah Mohmand said that the separation would prompt Mehsud group to engage in separate talks with the government and try to secure a peace accord.

Expert of tribal areas and Afghan affairs, Rahimullah Yousafzai terms the separation as breaking of the backbone of the Taliban. This may lead to further disintegration of the outlawed TTP, he added.

Earlier, spokesman of TTP’s Mehsud faction Azam Tariq addressing a press conference said that TTP’s control has fallen into the hands of invisible forces due to the presence of a gang of plotters within.

He said that the controversy over sect, cult and ideology has given rise to mistrust and misgivings among other factions of the TTP.

“We tried our best for reforms and unity within the TTP, but the gang of plotters seemed to have succeeded,” he said.

Azam Tariq is also the member of TTP’s central shura.

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