Monday, 24 March 2014

Mosques organize spring break youth camp in Carrollton

DALLAS: Beautiful spring break youth camp was held by the Madinah and Makkah Mosques in Carrollton. They provide a 2-day learn& fun activities for the participants.

This year the theme was "Muslim kids' future in America." The purpose of the 3rd annual spring break camp was to enrich and strengthen the hearts, minds, and bodies of American Muslim teenagers with an Islamic atmosphere.

The teenagers were engaged in lectures, workshops and activates that encompassed the understanding of Islam. The campers enjoyed the variety of educational programs, carriers counseling and indoor and outdoor activities.

They were also engaged and entertained with a structured schedule filled with game, sensory stations, art, science, Islamic stories and talent shows. All educational actives were designed specifically to cater to the enrolled campers and children by their developmental level.

Madinah Masjid and Makkah Masjid arranged a few professional doctors, attorneys, CPA'S to guide the teenagers to make the right decision for their future.

Youth camp chief coordinator Allama Babar Rehmani supervised the entire camp from day 1 to last. The camp was successful due to the day and night effort of the volunteers of Madinah and Makkah Mosques.

Allama Babar Rehman thanked Allama Siraj Ahmed Misbehi, Qari Fazl e Rasool, Ghulam Jangda, Shoeb Khan, Dr. Okail, Dr. Nasir Zaki, Bashir Noviwala, Musthtaab Habib, Qasim Hingora, Habib Ayub and several others who volunteered and took the time out to make the Youth camp successful.

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