Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Congress, BJP spending billions on hiring air charter service

ISLAMABAD: Around 130 air charter service operators across India are having a boom time due to extensive use of helicopters and business jets by parties like BJP and Congress for electioneering dubbed as most expensive in country's history.

Industry sources said the parties and individual politicos are roughly spending Rs 3.50 to Rs 4 billion to criss cross the country in chartered planes during campaign for the world's biggest democratic exercise spread over two months.

The Pioneer newspaper reported on Tuesday. So far BJP s prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi has clocked maximum number of flying hours to campaign for the party followed by Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi experts in the industry said. The operators usually charge Rs 70 000 to 75 000 per flying hour for a four seater single engine chopper, while business jets cost Rs 250 000 to 300 000 per hour but the rates have increased significantly due to surge in demand.

Secretary of Business Aircraft Operator's Association R K Bali said the sector was witnessing negative growth of two percent in the last two years, but business has seen impressive growth as leading parties hit an aggressive campaign trail.

According to Directorate General of Civil Aviation of India figures around 130 non-scheduled aircraft operators are in the business currently out of which around 40 are big operators having four to five private jets which ferry people abroad also. They are operating around 520 aircraft and choppers.

Captain G R Gopinath the pioneer of low cost airline in India and promoter of Deccan Charters said. Even after hopping in and out of choppers and jets national leaders like Modi and Rahul may not be able to cover more than 200 constituencies.

Gautam Sahani of Subha Aviation said the increased frequency by chartered flights has significantly helped earnings by airports across the country as they charge fees for landing take off and parking.

Similarly the aircraft maintenance firms are also having a decent share of the business as increased flying hours means good upkeep of the aircraft.

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