Sunday 2 March 2014

Coal power can control load-shedding in short time: Shahbaz

imageLAHORE: Punjab Chief Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif said here Sunday that coal-based power generation projects could help in controlling power crisis to a large extent within a short period of time.
He was chairing a meeting to review the matters regarding a comprehensive system for transportation of imported coal for coal power project.
Federal Minister for Railways Khawaja Saad Rafique, Minister for Ports and Shipping Kamran Michael, former federal minister Shaukat Tareen, Provincial Minister for Minerals Sher Ali Khan, Federal Secretary Ports and Shipping, General Manager Operation Railways, Chief Secretary Punjab, Acting Chairman Karachi Port Trust, Chairman Port Qasim Authority, Chairman Planning & Development, Additional Chief Secretary Energy and senior officials of Railways and NESPAK were present.
Shahbaz Sharif said that coal power cost was about 50 percent less against thermal energy and the Punjab government had selected six sites for setting up of coal power plants. There was a need to evolve a complete system for supply of imported coal from the seaports to the sites of the proposed power plants.
The Chief Minister constituted a sub-committee comprising the high-ups of concerned departments headed by Additional Chief Secretary Energy and directed that the committee should consider all aspects of the matters in a professional manner and submit its final recommendations in two weeks. The committee would comprise senior officers of Railways, Port Qasim, NTDC, Karachi Port Trust, NESPAK, PESPAK and Punjab government.
He said that all out measures were being taken to rid the country of energy crisis and the work was being carried out on power generation projects round the clock under the leadership of Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif.
The efforts of the government would succeed to remove darkness from the country, he said, adding that all the departments concerned would have to move forward in a planned manner for controlling shortage of electricity, and there should be a close coordination between the concerned departments regarding transportation of imported coal.
Shahbaz Sharif said there was a need for evolving a comprehensive mechanism for the supply of imported coal from seaports to the power generation plants through rail routes. Chinese technology, he said, should be used for off loading of coal from ships at the ports.
While, Khawaja Saad Rafique said the model of development evolved by Punjab Chief Minister would be followed for proceeding in this matter and Railways would play a key role in the supply of imported coal.
Kamran Michael said the way government was moving forward speedily for resolving energy crisis had given the hope that Pakistan would soon counter its shortage of electricity. He said the target given by Punjab government for supply of coal would be achieved within the time frame.
Acting Chairman Karachi Port Trust and Chairman Port Qasim Authority gave briefing on the capacity of their respective institutions, while General Manager Railways spoke about the supply of imported coal through Railways.

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