Saturday 1 March 2014

Maulana Yusaf Shah hints at resumption of Govt-Taliban peace talks from Monday

imageNOWSHERA: A joint meeting of the Government and Taliban-nominated negotiating team has been convened on Monday (March 03) in Islamabad.
Coordinator Taliban committee Maulana Yusaf Shah Saturday said that the meeting is likely to be chaired by Interior Minister Ch. Nisar Ali Khan.
He said Patron of the Taliban Committee Maulana Samiul Haq had cut short his visit to Saudi Arabia and was on his way back to Islamabad for participating in the Monday's meeting.
Addressing an emergency press conference here at Darul Uloom Haqqani Akora Khattak, he congratulated the nation over ceasefire announced by the TTP.
He appealed to the people of the country to pray for the success of peace talks which were stalled for last couple of weeks due to the deadlock.
He said "we have fulfilled our commitment made with the nation" and added seriousness showed by the Taliban leadership should be reciprocated by taking the peace process forward.
He said, "I, on behalf of the Maulana Samiul Haq, thanked the leadership of Taliban for announcing ceasefire and I am hopeful that Taliban leaders would not disappoint the nation."
Meanwhile, member Taliban Committee Prof. Muhammad Ibrahim has welcomed the ceasefire announcement by the Taliban and described it a very positive development.
This was stated by a spokesman of the Jamaat Islami Israrullah Advocate said in a statement.
Prof Ibrahim said entire nation should unite against the anti-peace forces who wanted to sabotage peace talks between the government and the Taliban.

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