Tuesday 4 March 2014

Sartaj urges integrated policies to overcome problems

imageISLAMABAD: Advisor to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs and National Security Sartaj Aziz on Tuesday underlined the need for integrated policies to steer country out of prevailing problems.
"The issues cannot be resolved with patch-work and isolated approach. But, we need to have visionary and integrated policies", he said in National Assembly in his statement on foreign policy.
The Advisor deliberated on number of local, regional and global changes and explained that the government is devising future policies keeping in view these changes.
"We are preparing defense and foreign policies that shall be presented before the House within next few weeks", he said and mentioned to four major areas to be taken care of in the upcoming policies.
Giving brief details of these areas, the Advisor said, internal security and policy of non-interference; economic development through trade and not aid; fully benefiting from geographical location; and promoting Pakistan's image by strengthening democracy and economic institutions in the country shall be basic components of our policies.
He said the internal and external threats are also being kept under consideration while framing our policies and he has been briefing the House and Standing Committees on these issues. The opinion of the House will also be fully taken care of while framing these policies.
He said the circumstances in other countries and regions also affect our policies and we are keeping a keen eye on changing regional and global scenario and ensure that Pakistan follows the policy of non-interference.
"We have a clear policy of not interfering in other countries affairs. But, we shall also not accept hegemony of any other country".
Advisor to Prime Minister Sartaj Aziz said the government is focusing on basic reasons inflicting problems and will focus internal and external challenges to address these problems.
He said Pak-Afghan relations are on way to normalcy after the government had made them believe about Pakistan's policy of non-interference. "Bringing in a favorite regime in Afghanistan is no more our policy. We have conveyed them and the previous atmosphere of no trust is now improving towards strong bilateral relations."
In regard to relations with India, he said, way is being paved for composite dialogue through working groups and back channel diplomacy.
About United States, he stated, Pakistan has made US believe that its previous policy had not favored Pakistan. "Pakistan should not be seen through the Afghan lens. During their previous policy the US had ignored Pakistan's internal security challenges. Therefore, internal security will also be a component of strategic partnership with the United States."
Pakistan is also seeking investment in different sectors including the energy sector and investment of US$ 30 to 32 billion in Pakistan will bring about positive changes, he added. The government also keeps a keen eye on changing scenarios and new emerging alliances.
He said regional cooperation is another important component of our policy as menaces like terrorism cannot be overcome without adopting a regional approach because it is not a war between armies of any two countries.
Focusing the basic contours of upcoming foreign policy, the Advisor said, our policy shall focus internal security and economic development through trade and investment. Moreover, Pakistan will fully benefit from its regional importance by extending links to Central Asian states and improve internal security.
He categorically stated that Pakistan is not providing arms to Saudi Arabia for use in Syria while India is not being given one sided relaxation in trade and we shall fully safeguard our interests.
Iran is our nearest Muslim country and the government is engaged with them to resolve bilateral issues. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif will also be visiting Iran on invitation of Iranian President, Sartaj Aziz said.
He explained that Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline is our priority but this project cannot be completed before next three years. "There is an issue of sanctions but it could have not affected the project if Iran and Pakistan had sufficient resources. But, when we have to seek financial assistance internationally then the sanctions are a problem."
He said the government would assure that it creates and pursues a clear, balanced and effective sovereign foreign policy in the light of sayings of founder of the nation Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah to safeguard our national and international interests.

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