Monday 3 March 2014

The 10 films that won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film over the last decade

It’s time for the Oscars! Love it or hate it, it's happening.
Let other people argue about whether "American Hustle" is overrated, or about whether Matthew McConnaughey should get credit for starving himself for "Dallas Buyer’s Club," or about whether there were enough drugs in "The Wolf of Wall Street."
Let us pay homage to the 10 foreign language films of the last decade that were amazing, won Best Foreign Language Film, and were snubbed for Best Picture nominations because of things like "Avatar" and because Americans don't like reading subtitles.
Here are the 10 films that won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film over the last decade, complete with trailers and pithy summaries by IMDB.
Enjoy, and then go watch them because they are all great.

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