Friday 28 February 2014

Obama warns Kremlin of 'costs' as 'several hundred' pro-Russian troops storm Crimea

"The United States will stand with the international community in affirming that there will be costs for any military intervention in Ukraine," declares US President Barack Obama. PHOTO: FILE
SIMFEROPOL: Pro-Russian forces tightened their grip on airports and strategic sites on Ukraine’s Crimea peninsula Friday despite US President Barack Obama warning Moscow not to intervene.
Heavily armed troops in uniforms with no national insignia took up positions around government buildings and the airport in Simferopol, as Ukrainian officials accused Russia of “naked aggression.”
In Washington, a US defence official said Moscow is thought to have already sent “several hundred” more troops into the Russian-speaking region, where it already has a major military base.
In a hastily scheduled White House statement with echoes of former Cold War stand-offs, Obama warned his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin to respect Ukraine’s independence.
“The United States will stand with the international community in affirming that there will be costs for any military intervention in Ukraine,” he declared.
The US leader did not elaborate on the nature of these costs but, in an early sign of anger, aides warned that Obama might skip June’s G8 summit in Russia’s Sochi if the Kremlin’s troops enter Ukraine.
Ukraine’s interim president Oleksandr Turchynov, who took power after Russian-backed leader Viktor Yanukovych fled last week, directly addressed the Kremlin leader from Kiev.
“I personally appeal to President Putin to immediately stop military provocation and to withdraw from the Autonomous Republic of Crimea… It’s a naked aggression against Ukraine,” he said.
In New York, the UN Security Council held an emergency meeting to discuss the crisis, but the talks broke up without a formal statement.
Council president Raimonda Murmokaite was able to say only that members expressed support for Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty and for “inclusive political dialogue”.
‘Naked aggression’
A spokesperson for Russia’s Crimea-based Black Sea Fleet denied its forces were involved, but uniformed men with assault rifles, body armour and helmets were in evidence around Simferopol.
They sealed off the airport, where civilian flights were halted, and set up barricades to protect Crimea’s autonomous government.
Putin this week stoked concerns that Moscow might use its military might to sway the outcome of the standoff by ordering snap combat drills near the border involving 150,000 troops and nearly 900 tanks.
Crimea was attached to Ukraine in 1954 when both Russia and its smaller neighbour were part of the Soviet Union, and most of the population are still ethnic Russians.
Civilian defence groups have sprung up in Crimea since the street uprising in Kiev that last week ousted the pro-Russian president and installed a Western-leaning interim government.
They have torn down some Ukrainian flags, and are angrily preparing for what they fear may be an intervention by extremists from mainly Ukrainian-speaking western Ukraine.
“We’re here to prevent fascists or radicals from western Ukraine from coming here by plane,” said Vladimir, a 46-year-old former military officer in a group outside Simferopol airport.
Witnesses reported seeing armoured personnel carriers rumble across Simferopol’s main streets and at least eight cargo planes bearing the Russian flag landing at a Ukrainian military air base.
A senior official in Crimea, Sergiy Kunitsyn, told local television that 13 Russian cargo planes carrying nearly 2,000 troops had landed at the base by Friday night.
Yanukovych, meanwhile, defiantly surfaced in Russia after a week in hiding, and bitterly attacked the new authorities in Kiev.
The untested new team – made up in part of leaders of the protests that gripped Kiev for three months – is grappling not only with growing separatism fears but also the risk of a devastating debt default.
But IMF chief Christine Lagarde said there was no need to panic, playing down reports that Ukraine is in urgent need of up to $15 billion to maintain government payments.
Ukraine’s plunging currency rebounded from record lows after Lagarde moved to send a fact-finding mission to Kiev that could open the way for the quick release of about $2.5 billion in EU and US loans.
Yanukovych dramatically ended guesswork about his whereabouts by walking out on stage before 200 reporters in Rostov-on-Don – a Russian industrial city less than two hours’ drive from the border with Ukraine.
The 63-year-old vowed to continue to fight for Ukraine’s future but said he would boycott a snap presidential poll that the new Western-backed leadership has set for May 25.
He called the new leadership “young neo-fascists” and blamed the “irresponsible policies” of the West for the escalating crisis.
Yanukovych also revealed he had spoken by phone with – but had not met – Putin and expressed surprise that his ally had not yet spoken out on Ukraine since his flight.
The Kremlin issued a brief statement after Yanukovych’s comments, saying Putin had stressed in phone talks with EU leaders “the extreme importance of not allowing a further escalation of violence.”
Ukraine’s bloodiest crisis since independence in 1991 erupted in November when Yanukovych rejected a deal to open the door to eventual EU membership in favour of closer ties with Russia.
Swiss bank accounts
Switzerland meanwhile said it was freezing the assets of 20 Ukrainian figures – including Yanukovych and his multi-millionaire son Oleksandr – and also launching a money-laundering probe.
Austria and Liechtenstein announced similar moves against Ukrainian figures whom the new authorities say stole billions of dollars in state funds.

High-level visit: Beijing promises full support to end militancy

China’s Defence Minister Gen Chang Wanquan meets PM Nawaz. PHOTO: INP 
ISLAMABAD:  China has thrown its weight behind Pakistan’s efforts to end the violence that has plagued the country for over a decade.
China’s Defence Minister General Chang Wanquan extended his country’s full support in rooting out militancy from Pakistan in a meeting with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Friday, officials told The Express Tribune.
They said the premier briefed the visiting Chinese minister over Pakistan’s current security situation and the steps his government was taking to end the violence.
The development comes against the backdrop of reports which suggest the government is on the verge of launching a ground offensive against militants in North Waziristan Agency.
China is believed to have been taking keen interest in the possible operation because of its concerns over Pakistani militants’ links with separatists in China’s Xinjiang province.
According to an official statement issued by the Prime Minister’s Office, Prime Minister Nawaz said Pakistan deeply values China’s support on issues of Pakistan’s national security and territorial integrity. He reiterated that Islamabad and Beijing enjoy a ‘unique relationship’.
“Strong mutual trust, excellent cooperation and convergence of views on regional and global issues provide a solid foundation for our time-tested, all-weather friendship,” the statement quoted the premier as saying.
He also deeply appreciated Chinese support for projects included in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor in the recent Joint Cooperation Committee (JCC).
China-Pakistan Economic Corridor will not only benefit both nations, but transform the region’s economy and dovetail perfectly with the strategy to develop and connect south and central Asian regions,” he said.
Premier Nawaz told Gen Chang that providing security to Chinese nationals in Pakistan was his government’s utmost priority and all possible steps had been taken to ensure this.
He also voiced his confidence that cooperation between Pakistan and China, including in the field of defence, will continue to grow to the benefit of both the countries. The visiting minister reiterated his government’s support for Pakistan.
The meeting was also attended by Defence Minister Khawaja Asif and Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs Tariq Fatemi.
Hilal-e-Pakistan for China’s defence minister
President Mamnoon Hussain on Friday conferred the Hilal-e-Pakistan upon the Chinese defence minister in a special investiture ceremony held at the Aiwan-e-Sadr.
The President conferred the award on General Chang Wanquan in recognition of his role and meritorious services for further promoting the already existing close bonds of friendship especially defence cooperation between Pakistan and China, an official statement said.
“General Chang Wanquan, a great friend of Pakistan, played an important role in further strengthening bonds between the People’s Liberation Army of China and armed forces of Pakistan besides promoting bilateral defence cooperation,” the citation read on the occasion said.

IAG airlines group flies into profit

imageLONDON: International Airlines Group soared back into net profit in 2013 on a strong performance from its British Airways unit and from recently-acquired Spanish budget carrier Vueling, it said Friday.
Profits after tax stood at 122 million euros ($167 million) last year also as its main Spanish carrier Iberia narrowed losses, IAG said in a results statement. IAG had suffered a net loss of 716 million euros in 2012.
Revenues grew 3.1 percent to 18.7 billion euros and fuel costs slid 2.5 percent to 5.95 billion euros.
"In 2013, we strengthened the group by acquiring Vueling, embarking on Iberia's transformation and enhancing British Airways' revenue performance," said chief executive Willie Walsh.
"This has led to a strong financial recovery and return to profitability." Group operating profit, stripping out taxes and one-off costs, stood at 770 million euros compared with a loss of 23 million euros in 2012.
BA benefited also from additional slots at London's Heathrow airport following integration of bmi, the no-frills carrier that IAG purchased in 2012 from German rival Lufthansa.
At the same time, Iberia slashed its operating loss to 166 million euros compared with 351 million euros last time around.
"Iberia has made huge progress on cost control as its restructuring takes shape and great credit should be given to all those involved," Walsh said.
He added that recent pay agreements between Iberia and its pilot and cabin crew unions were key to reducing the airline's costs further and "providing the foundation for profitable growth".
Iberia employee costs down:
Last year, Iberia's restructuring saw 2,500 staff leave the airline via a voluntary redundancy programme, while salaries were reduced by between 11 percent and 18 percent.
As a result, Iberia's employee costs were down 14.3 percent compared with 2012.
London-listed IAG also noted that Vueling was a "great asset" which had helped to increase IAG's capacity by 5.2 percent, primarily in domestic and European markets.
BA's capacity meanwhile increased by 2.0 percent after the introduction of the Airbus A380 and Boeing 787 into the airline's fleet.
"The new aircrafts' economic and environmental performance has been excellent and customers love them," Walsh said.
Looking ahead, IAG forecast that it would make "steady progress" this year towards its 2015 group operating profit target of 1.8 billion euros.
Despite the impressive annual results, IAG's share price sank on Friday as investors took the opportunity to take profits after the stock almost doubled in one year.
In afternoon deals, IAG shares price shed 3.27 percent to 437.02 pence on London's FTSE 100 index, which was 0.15 percent lower at 6,800.45 points.
"For now, IAG is progressing," said Keith Bowman, analyst at Hargreaves Lansdown Stockbrokers.
"The removal of costs remains central, with labour productivity and aircraft fuel efficiency still topping the agenda.
"Passenger revenues have again grown, whilst expected growth from Asia and Africa remains firmly in management sights."
IAG was formed in January 2011 when BA and Iberia merged in a tie-up that was aimed at slashing costs. The group has 431 aircraft in service and employs more than 60,000 people.

Merck KGaA extends offer period for AZ for fourth time


imageFRANKFURT: German liquid crystal maker Merck KGaA has extended the offer period for its planned takeover of Britain's AZ Electronic Materials for a fourth time as it awaits approval for the deal from Chinese antitrust regulators.
"While discussions with the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China (MOFCOM) are proceeding constructively and are advancing, MOFCOM's review is still continuing," Merck said in a statement on Friday.
Shareholders now have until March 14 to tender their stock. The previous offer period would have expired on Feb. 28. Merck, the world's largest maker of liquid crystals used in TVs and tablet and smartphone screens, agreed in December to buy AZ for $2.6 billion to expand its range of specialist chemicals for hi-tech gadgets.
It said on Friday that 64 percent of AZ shares had been tendered. Merck has made its offer contingent on securing at least 95 percent of the share capital.

Future of the fish: WWF-P sails into Pakistan’s marine potential

President WWF-Pakistan Khalid Mahmood addressing a press conference on the cruise. PHOTO: COURTESY WWF-PAKISTAN FACEBOOK PAGE
KARACHI:  To highlight the exceptional marine ecology of the region, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) carried out a sailing voyage from Dubai to Karachi from February 19 to February 26.
During the voyage, WWF-P recorded sightings of several rare species, including whale sharks, dolphins, turtles and other marine species. The journey was led by WWF-Pakistan president Khalid Mahmood and included a French sailor, Jaques Loubry, and Italian skipper, Edoardo Camillo Everardo.
“Our species are in danger and are decreasing due to illegal trawling, dumping of untreated sewerage in the sea and wide use of small mesh nets,” said Mahmood on Friday. He also said that during the last 20 years, fisheries’ resources have declined drastically and commercial fisheries’ catches have dwindled significantly over the years.
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“Pakistan still has hope and needs to tap into the potential of fisheries,” Mahmood believed. He appreciated the efforts of the Pakistani government for encouraging small size fisheries and restricting foreign fishing vessels from harvesting in Pakistani waters. “The vessels, whether large or small, tend to dump their oil in the sea which can cause a harmful spike to the marine life’s mortality.”
According to Mahmood, nearly 350 million gallons of untreated waste water in Karachi is released into the sea daily. “Chances of survival of these marine species look slim and require immediate action,” he appealed.
Pakistan’s coastline is rich in biodiversity and has 17 different species of cetaceans including dolphins, whales and finless porpoise. Among them they were able to document five of the species.  The whale sharks are located in Pakistani, Omani and Iranian waters and are considered ‘gentle giants’.
“The fishing communities in Pakistan lack basic facilities and their lifestyle could only be improved by provision of these facilities,” said Everardo. Loubry also added that a fish stock survey is needed because rare fish species were disappearing from the Arabian Sea. He further said that one’s carbon footprint can only be reduced if appropriate measures are taken by all stakeholders.
Rab Nawaz, WWF-P regional director, highlighted that the organisation has already started an awareness campaign in coastal communities of Balochistan and Sindh to train and educate fishing communities who accidentally capture or kill marine life in their nets. As a result of the campaign, he said, a number of fishermen have released whale sharks, dolphins and turtles during the last few years.

Alleged encroachment: SHC restrains seminary from constructing mosque on KU land

Legal director informed the bench that Mufti Iqbal Naqshbandi got the allotment unlawfully and then started illegal constructions. PHOTO: MOHAMAMD NOMAN/EXPRESS
KARACHI:  The Sindh High Court (SHC) restrained the administrator of a seminary from raising construction over a piece of 3,000-square-yard land located on the University of Karachi’s (KU) premises.
Headed by Justice Munib Akhtar, the bench further instructed the Gulistan-e-Jauhar SHO to take action, if approached by the varsity’s management, in this regard. The management had approached the high court against, what it called, the illegal encroachment upon its land and constructions on it. In the lawsuit, the plaintiff had named Mufti Iqbal Naqshbandi, the administrator of the Jamia Fareedia Moin-ul-Quran, director-general of the Karachi Development Authority and Gulistan-e-Jauhar SHO as defendants.
Asif Mukhtar, the KU legal director, had sought an injunction against the seminary’s administrator, his agents and employees, restraining them from interfering in the peaceful and undisputed possession of the suit property measuring 3,000 square yards, situated between the pillar No. UK-16 and UK-17 on the varsity’s premises.
The plaintiff alleged that the seminary’s management had unlawfully taken over the land which was allotted to the university back in 1954. However, the seminary management, in connivance with the Karachi Development Authority’s officials, has attempted to usurp the same.
The plaintiff asked the court to declare that the KDA has no authority to allot, sell or dispose of the varsity’s land to the seminary management since it has been in possession of KU for the last several decades.
The legal director informed the bench that first Mufti Iqbal Naqshbandi got the allotment to the land unlawfully and then started illegal constructions of a mosque.
The court was also pleaded to order removal of the construction material from the site and permanently restrain the defendants from raising any type of construction. The plaintiff also complained that a complaint was filed with the Gulistan-e-Jauhar police for taking legal action against the private defendant, but they refused to entertain the same.
Justice Munib Akhtar, after preliminary hearing, issued notices to the defendant seminary’s administrator, KDA director-general and Gulistan-e-Jauhar SHO for March 11 to file their replies. The bench also restrained the seminary administrator from raising any sort of constructions on the land in question till the next date of hearing.

Ukraine leader asks Putin to stop ’aggression’ in Crimea

imageKIEV: Ukraine's interim president Oleksandr Turchynov on Friday appealed to Vladimir Putin to stop Russia's "naked aggression" against the country and withdraw from the flashpoint Crimea peninsula.
"I personally appeal to President Putin to immediately stop military provocation and to withdraw from the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. It's a naked aggression against Ukraine," he told reporters after additional Russian forces were reported to have landed in Crimea, where Moscow has maintained a military base for years.

On strike: Oil tankers suspend fuel supply as protest enters third day

Oil tankers stand idle in Karachi on Friday after a strike by their owners started. PHOTO: ONLINE
Oil tankers stand idle in Karachi on Friday after a strike by their owners started. PHOTO: ONLINE Members of the All Pakistan Oil Tankers Owners Association dance during a protest demanding security of their colleagues. PHOTO: ONLINE
KARACHI:  After Karachi, the All Pakistan Oil Tankers Owners Association suspended the supply of furnace oil and other fuel to Shikarpur and Quetta as their strike against the government-owned Pakistan State Oil (PSO) entered the third consecutive day on Friday.
Members of the association and oil tankers drivers had staged a protest demonstration at their camp on Shireen Jinnah Colony Road. The association has suspended supply of furnace oil and other fuel products from the PSO to all stations in Karachi since Wednesday.
“We are expanding our protest circle to all oil marketing companies and will suspend fuel supply across the country if the managing director of the PSO or other top officials don’t address our demands,” said Mir Yousuf Shahwani, the chairperson of the association, while talking to The Express Tribune, adding that three rounds of negotiations with the PSO officials and contractors have failed.
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The oil tankers’ representatives demand that the government arrest the persons involved in the killing of their colleague, Mehboob Shah, who was shot dead for offering resistance in a mugging incident while carrying cash from a private bank in Shireen Jinnah Colony. They also demanded security for their colleagues in the oil terminal areas in Keamari and Shireen Jinnah Colony.
The association also demanded that the PSO return all fines taken from the oil tankers who failed the sample tests. Their vehicles were also blacklisted by the oil company subsequently. “The PSO should clear our insurance claims without any delay and stop illegal and unlawful fines over fuel shortages,” said the association’s general secretary Shafiq Kakar, adding that the PSO had imposed fines of up to Rs300,000 in case of fuel shortages and sample failure in addition to blacklisting the vehicles.
“If the fuel is filled, sealed, carried and emptied by the PSO then how can they fine the oil tankers owner? We transport sealed freight. It is the PSO’s responsibility if the fuel gets spoiled. They have trackers system to keep a check on the oil tankers,” he said.

Another record broken: Biggest art class held in Lahore

LAHORE: Over 5,000 school children set a new world record on Friday by sitting through the largest art lesson of the world at Punjab Stadium.
The record was previously held by Chinese Taipei with 4,810 children.
As many as 6,000 students from Beaconhouse School System exhibited great discipline in the 30-minutes class as they painted the Mughal-era style buildings.
The Guinness Book team then counted the papers prepared by the children and affirmed 5,351 valid, declaring Pakistan the new record holder. The stadium echoed with slogans of Pakistan zindabad as the announcement came.
Addressing the participants, Sports Board Punjab Director General Usman Anwar praised the students and said that Pakistani children had the potential to regularly set and break records.
Sports Secretary Muhammad Khan Khichi was also present.
Young scientists
An exhibition was organised at the Lahore Expo Centre as part of the festival under the aegis of the Ministry of Science and Technology. Several government, private and educational institutions, including the National University of Science and Technology, the Pakistan Engineering Council, the National University of Oceanography, the Pakistan National Accreditation Council, the Center for Applied and Molecular Biology, the Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority, the Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority and the National Institute of Electronics Islamabad.
Thousands of students from 47 universities arranged 75 stalls at the exhibition. Students displayed models of dams, bridges, important buildings, roads and electronics and won praise from the audience.
An electronic bicycle model by Muhammad Tauseef of Government College of Technology, Sialkot, earned great appreciation from the large gathering. A jury would announce the winners on Saturday (today) after examining the models and listening to students’ presentations.
Separately, a large book fair has also been organised at the venue, where publishers have displayed a large number of academic, religious, historic and scientific books. A digital Quran has also been displayed.
An exhibition of Best Agricultural Produce is also underway at the Lahore Expo Centre. Department of Agricultural Information Punjab, Ayub Agricultural Faisalabad, Agricultural Department, Institute of Rice Research Kala Shah Kaku and many other research institutes are participating in the exhibition.
Information is being given to farmers on how to protect their crops from disease. Farmers are also being educated on methods of preserving fruit and vegetables. Several agricultural experts talked on the occasion. They said farmers could not get more production and profit since they were unaware of the use of modern technology.

Court security: Early appointment of prosecutor general urged

The office has been vacant for the last 5 months. PHOTO:FILE 

LAHORE:  Lahore High Court Chief Justice Umar Ata Bandial on Thursday took notice of the vacant office of the Punjab prosecutor general and directed the government to fill the vacancy by March 13.
He was heading a special division bench hearing a petition questioning inadequate security measures for courts.
Additional Prosecutor General Mazhar Sher Awan told the court that the office of the Punjab prosecutor general had been lying vacant for the last five months.
“I wonder how the Prosecution Department has been functioning without a head,” the chief justice remarked.
He said the court would pass an order in this regard if the government failed to appoint the prosecutor general by the next hearing.
The judge directed the additional prosecutor general to submit a progress report about implementation of the memorandum of understanding signed between the Police and the Prosecution Departments.

Grassroots outreach: PTI council meeting to unveil provincial agenda

File photo of PTI chief Imran Khan. PHOTO: QAZI USMAN 

LAHORE:  “Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) will hold its provincial council meeting on March 2. PTI chairman Imran Khan will preside over the meeting,” said Dr Yasmin Rashid, the party’s general secretary, on Thursday.
She said the PTI was the first party to hold intra-party elections. She said the party leadership wanted to continue the practice. PTI Punjab president Ejaz Chudhary said 600 office bearers would attend the meeting. He said members of the parliament would also be present. He said representatives of some think tanks and newspapers columnists had also been invited.  He said the programme would contain a review on the performance of the PTI in the Punjab and its achievements so far. Information Secretary Andleeb Abbas said the provincial council would also act as an information and communication cell between the general public and the PTI office-bearers.

GSP plus: Cabinet committee formed

Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif. PHOTO: ISRARUL HAQ 

LAHORE: Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif on Thursday constituted a special cabinet committee to benefit from the GSP Plus status granted to Pakistan by the European Union. Minister for Industries Muhammad Shafique will be the convener of the committee.
Minister for labour and human resource, minister for human rights, Advisor to the Chief Minister Ijazun Nabi, MNAs Khusroo Bakhtiar, Pervaiz Malik, MPAs Ayesha Ghaus Pasha, SM Tanvir, Azfar Hassan, the chief secretary, Industry Department secretary, Labour secretary, women development secretary, the human rights secretary, environment protection secretary and Punjab Investment Board chairman will be its members.

Extrajudicial killings?: MQM walks out of the session, again

MQM MPAs walkout of the Sindh Assembly on Tuesday. PHOTO: MOHAMMAD AZEEM/EXPRESS 

KARACHI:  During the session, MQM lawmakers staged a token walkout of the assembly proceedings against the arrest and ‘extrajudicial killings’ of their workers in Karachi.
Soon after reciting Fateha, the deputy parliamentary leader of the MQM, Khawaja Izharul Hassan, drew the speaker’s attention towards the death of their another activist, Mohammad Adil, whose was subjected to torture by the police and law-enforcement agencies after his arrest on February 8.  “As many as 10 workers of our party have fallen victim to extrajudicial killings and 45 activists are missing,” he said, adding that they have approached the police and law-enforcement agencies, but no one was willing to disclose their whereabouts.
“Our party activists are being victimised in the name of ongoing operation. This kind of operation has deepened the sense of deprivation. It seems that the Sindh government has given a free hand to law enforcers to kill our people,” he said.
The MQM leader said that they would not tolerate and resist the state operation against their people. “We are now staging a walkout and this protest will continue until the government stops victimising us,” he added.  After a few minutes walkout, they returned to the session and took part in the proceedings.

Under oath: Rangers deny killing MQM worker

A Rangers soldier standing on guard during an operation in Lyari. The paramilitary force denied its involvement in the missings persons case which was taken up by the SHC on Tuesday. PHOTO: MOHAMMAD AZEEM/EXPRESS 

KARACHI:  Pakistan Rangers told the Sindh High Court (SHC) on Tuesday that the paramilitary force has neither detained nor killed a worker belonging to the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM).
The body of the MQM activist, Noman Ali, was found dumped near Super Highway last December.
Major Ashfaque Ahmed, the deputy advocate-general of the Sindh Rangers, made this claim while filing comments on behalf of the paramilitary force’s provincial deputy director. Ahmed told the two-judge bench that ground checks were made to seek information about the detention or arrest of the alleged missing person at all the wing offices of the forces in the province, including the Rangers Intelligence wing.
“The deceased, Noman Ali, was neither arrested nor the Pakistan Rangers, Sindh, had any concern with his killing,” Ahmed said, requesting the court to exempt the Rangers authorities from this case.
Apart from Ali’s, two other bullet-riddled bodies of Jawed aka Bunda and Saleem aka Kabari were also found on Super Highway on December 23. The MQM had claimed that the individuals were affiliated with the party and termed their deaths as ‘extrajudicial killings’.
Later, Samreen Jahan, the widow of Ali, went to the high court for an inquiry into the killing. She had named the chief minister, governor, chief secretary, interior minister, home secretary, Rangers DG, Sindh police chief, Karachi police chief along with other police officials as respondents.
In her plea, Jahan had alleged that the Rangers personnel had arrested Ali and did not produce him before any magistrate. She added that the paramilitary forces murdered her husband and threw his body in the bushes near Super Highway, although he was not involved in any criminal activities. The widow said her husband should have been brought to a court if he was a suspect in any case, rather than being murdered.
On Tuesday, the Rangers authorities denied having detained or being involved in Ali’s killing. Meanwhile, additional advocate-general Chaudhry Rafiq Rajhrovi requested for time to seek instructions from the official respondents over this matter. Justice Sajjad Ali Shah, who headed the bench, allowed the request and adjourned the hearing till March 11.
Missing person’s killing dispute
Another SHC bench ordered the police officials submit police papers along with a postmortem report of a man, Naseeruddin, allegedly taken away by men belonging to the law enforcement and spy agencies from Gulshan-e-Iqbal on August 27, 2013.
Headed by Justice Shah, the bench ordered DSP Nasir Lodhi informed the judges that Naseeruddin was shot dead in an encounter. His father, Syed Zainuddin, disputed the claim, arguing that his son was in the custody of the agency for the last six months, therefore, he could not be killed in an encounter. Secondly, the injuries found on his body were caused by a sharp-edged weapon, which could not take place during encounter, the father insisted.
The two-judges found that the post-mortem report was missing in the details submitted by the investigation officer. “Let the same be placed on record along with police papers,” the bench ordered. The hearing was adjourned till March 11.

Grenade attack in Kot Addu damages police van, injures eight people

The van fell into a ditch after the blast. PHOTO: REUTERS/ FILE 

KOT ADDU: Six police officials survived a terrorist attempt in sub district Kot Addu of district Muzafarhgarh on Friday, when a man threw a hand grenade at their van.
Five police men including ASI Muhammad Anwar Ali, driver of the van Habib Akran, constables Ashraf Ali and Zia Ullah, two police volunteers, two criminals and the driver of a rickshaw were injured as a result of the attack.
According to the details given by DPO Ghazi Salahuddin, a police team from the Chobara police station in district Layyah had come to the rural area of Sanawan in Kot Addu to arrest a person on the charges of kidnapping.
The alleged kidnapper Qayyum and a person involved in hiding him were arrested and were being taken by the police in their van.
On their way back, they were attacked near an old railway station when a man hiding behind a storehouse struck them with a hand grenade. When he attempted to escape, the police van struck him and fell in a ditch near the road.
The assailant was injured and has been shifted to unknown place for further investigation.

Rangers shoot man, mistaking him for kidnapper

Rangers and Police officials gather after a Ranger allegedly shot dead a man fighting with his wife near Nagan Chowrangi.

KARACHI: Rangers personnel shot dead an unarmed young man on Friday reportedly mistaking him for a kidnapper.
Two Rangers personnel deployed in the Nagan Chowrangi area of Karachi saw the young man, 30-year-old Zeeshan, fighting with and slapping a woman, later identified as his estranged wife. They fired warning shots, but Zeeshan was unmoved by the firing. Therefore, in an attempt to arrest the man, one of them opened straight fire, killing the man and injuring his wife.
“The deceased was shot twice in the neck and arm at point blank range,” said Dr Sheraz, the medico-legal officer at the Abbasi Shaheed Hospital. Zeeshan succumbed to his injuries during treatment at the hospital.
“He was definitely killed as a result of the Rangers’ firing,” District West and Central police chief DIG Javed Odho told The Express Tribune. The police have not arrested the paramilitary troops responsible, however, an inquiry will be conducted and a case will be registered, he added.
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In a statement issued immediately after the incident, a Rangers spokesperson admitted that their men did resort to firing, but they only did so because they thought the man was a kidnapper. “The people on the street reported the scuffle to the Rangers who were stationed at a picket and they said the man was apparently trying to abduct the woman,” said the spokesperson.
“Rangers personnel, while responding to the situation, fired warning shots into the air but the individual ignored them. Resultantly, one paramilitary soldier shot at the man to arrest him, but he later succumbed to his injuries.”
An inquiry into the incident has been ordered and details will be made public soon, he added.
But the victim’s family and friends demanded immediate arrest and punishment of the Rangers men responsible.
“No one has the right to open fire at innocent civilians,” said the victim’s relative, Ali Imran. “Why did the Rangers shoot at him when he was unarmed and he did not even try to attack them? If they really thought he was a kidnapper, they could have shot him in the leg.”
The victim’s wife, 28-year-old Shafia, did not actually see the paramilitary troops shooting her husband. “I did not see anything as I had my head down the whole time. My husband was hitting me and I was on the ground with my head down.”
He had called her to Nagan Chowrangi to sort out a domestic issue. The couple had filed for divorce and were living separately.
Angry witnesses
The firing at the couple angered the people who had witnessed the incident. They staged a protest against the paramilitary force at the site of the shooting, pelted vehicles with stones and burnt tyres, suspending traffic.
The Rangers men reportedly vanished from the scene. “We asked them (the Rangers) not to open fire, telling them that it was a scuffle between a husband and his wife, but one of them still fired the shot,” one witness, Danish Rafique, told The Express Tribune. “The Rangers did not even allow us to take the victims to the hospital until the crowd threw stones at them.”
Another ‘extra-judicial killing’
Zeeshan is not the first unarmed man killed by the paramilitary force in Karachi. Three similar incidents have occurred in the metropolis during the last three years where unarmed citizens, Sarfaraz Shah, Ghulam Haider and Mureed alias Murad, were shot and killed by them.
Former chief justice of Pakistan Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry had taken the suo motu notice of the previous cases. An anti-terrorism court (ATC) had announced the judgment in the Sarfaraz Shah case.  Another ATC has reserved the verdict in the extrajudicial killing of Haider, while the case of the murder of Mureed, a taxi driver, is still pending before the ATC.
The legal heirs of Sarfaraz and Mureed have pardoned the suspects and reached a compromise with the paramilitary force. The Sindh High Court, however, rejected the comprise application in the Sarfaraz Shah case and upheld the punishment of four convicts, while acquitted one officer due to lack of evidence.

Watch: Alia Bhatt, Arjun Kapoor and their sweet love story in ‘2 States’

Arjun Alia
2 States' is an adaptation of Chetan Bhagat’s novel by the same name

The trailer of ‘2 States’ is finally out and already seems to be a hit. The film is an adaptation of Chetan Bhagat’s novel by the same name.
’2 States’ is said to tell the tale of Krish, a Punjabi boy, who falls in love with Ananya, a Tamilian Brahmin girl.
Both Krish and Ananya meet and fall in love in college. They then decided to get married and are faced with the task of bridging the gap of the North-South divide between their parents. However, neither set of parents are thrilled with their children’s choice of life partner.
This is the first time that Alia Bhatt and Arjun Kapoor will be seen onscreen together. Not only do the duo lock lips, but also turn up the temperature with some steamy lovemaking scenes.
Saif Ali Khan’s former wife, Amrita Singh will be playing Krish’s Punjabi mother while Ronit Roy plays his father. Alia’s mother is played by none other than director and actress Revathi.
The dialogues between the south and north Indian mothers is also hillarious.
Directed by Abhishek Varman, ‘2 States’ is slated to hit screens by April 18.

Block II JF-17 Thunder To Enter Into Production Next Year

The Pakistan Air Force will start receiving the improved version of the JF-17 Thunder fighter jet Block II. The Block II Thunder will include newer and improved capabilities including data link and electronic warfare capabilities aerial refuelling, new radar & avionics.

 The JF-17 Thunder Block II will also expend its inventory of new generation precision guided weapons including cruise missiles. Pakistan and China are also developing a two-seater version of the JF-17 Thunder.

The deliveries of the Block II Thunder to Pakistan Air Force are scheduled to start from the second half of the 2012 and will continue till 2015. From 2016, JF-17 Thunder Block III will enter into production .

Pakistani Air Chief Marshall Rao Qamar Suleiman has said at the Dubai Air Show, “We offer performance comparable to U.S. and European fighters when it comes to radar, dogfight missile, range and BVR [beyond visual range] capabilities, for one third of the cost.”

Toyota Corolla2013 new Shape user Frist Drive Review , Technical Specification , Picture and HD wallpaper

Toyota corolla 2013 has been released and new shape of Toyota corolla 2013 is available in all major Auto market of world. Today we will share with you latest Toyota corolla2013 car model user review and technical specification of new car model. Toyota corolla is one of the best seller car in this world and all over the world people like to drive Toyota corolla 2013 car model. There is no major difference between in new shape of Toyota corolla 2013 and Toyota corolla 2012 . Only head lights and back lights design has been changed and people all over the world was waiting release date to Toyota corolla2013 car model and now their wait is completed and new model of Toyota corolla2013 has been released in USA , Europe , Pakistan , India and Srilanka Auto-market. The interior of the new Toyota Corolla has a minimalist, bordering on plain, design. Toyota corolla2013 is good car as compare to Toyota corolla2012 and while it is not a class leader when it comes to handling or engine performance, it is comfortable, relatively spacious and is excellent value. Toyota corolla2013 car model has Mulch-reflector halogen headlights.Toyota corolla2013 car model has Mulch-reflector halogen headlights with auto on/off feature.Toyota corolla2013 car model has Mulch-reflector halogen headlights with black sport trim.
Toyota corolla 2013 new shape

  • Alloy Wheel Locks
  • Body Side Moldings
  • Body Side Moldings
  • Door Edge Guards
  • Door Edge Guards
  • Mudguards
  • Mudguards
  • Paint Protection Film
  • Paint Protection Film
  • Rear Bumper Protector
  • Rear Bumper Protector
  • Rear Spoiler
  • Rear Spoiler
  •  TOYOTA COROLLA2013 Car model Price in USA , India and Pakistan.

Toyota corolla 2013 is a popular car in Pakistan , india as well as in USA too. In different version this car is released and in Pakistan Toyota corollaXLI 2013 , Toyota corollaGLI 2013, Toyota corollaAltis 2013 and Toyota corolla 2.0D 2013 is available and starting price is Rs.1550000 to Rs-210000. Toyota corolla 2013 has price in USA starting from USD-16500 to 21500. Price is vary and depend on its function and internal accessories. Toyota corolla 2013 has good sale in Singapore and Australia.we include in this article latest shape of Toyota corolla 2013 , interior picture of Toyota corolla 2013 and latest HD wallpaper of Toyota corolla 2013.
  • Toyota corolla 2013 Price in Dubai.

Toyota corolla 2013 is available in three ranges in Dubai which are basic, mid range and fully loaded.
Toyota corolla 2013 has price in Dubai starting from AED 68000 and technical specification are also included in this article you can find all detail at below mentions pictures.
  •  User First Drive Review about Toyota Corolla 2013

User first drive review is very satisfactory and its a great car with low price because if you want cruise control and advanced feature car then we recommend you to go for Toyota Camry . but if you have a mid range budget then this car is very good and its car in which all basic functions are fully  loaded car. it is comfortable, relatively spacious and is excellent value car.
 these are best color of Toyota corolla2013 in market.
Toyota-corolla2013 XLI Mid range Color-in markets

  • Red color of Toyota corolla2013 in market.

Toyota-corolla-2013 All version-Red-color in Dubai
  • White Color and Best sale  color of Toyota corolla2013 in market.

2013-Toyota-corolla-XLI-GLI-Mid range White color in Dubai Pakistan India USA
  • metallic color of Toyota corolla2013 in market.

best toyota corolla2013 color in Automarket
  • Grey metallic Color of  new- Toyota Corolla2013 Car model

2013 Corolla-2013-XLI-GLI black Colors
  • Beautiful and amazing HD widescreen Wallpaper of Toyota Corolla 2013

beautiful Toyota Corolla-2013 Shape-HD Wallpapers
these are Beautiful and Amazing HD widescreen Wallpapers of New Shape Toyota Corolla 2013.
2013-Corolla-ALTAS-XLI-GLI-Price Picture
  • Toyota Corolla2013 New Shape

Toyota-Corolla-2013-RED color picture
Toyota corolla-2013 new-shape in Pakistan-Singapore
  • Interior view of Toyota-corolla2013

new-Toyota-Corolla-2013-Interior-in Pakistan india Dubai picture
  • Interior view and speed meter of Toyota-corolla2013

Toyota Corolla-2013 Interior speed meter picture

  • Technical Specification of  Toyota-corolla2013 , Toyota Corolla GLI 2013 , Toyota Corolla XLI

Latest-Toyota-Corolla-2013-Detail specifications
2013-Corolla-1.8 engine Specification

Toyota Camry 2013 Review , Interior Picutre , Specifications and Price in India Pakistan USA Dubai and Singapore

Toyota applauded for generations around the world for its superb quality, durability and reliability, Camry 2013 has evolved to shape next generation comfort, performance and peace of mind, appealing to both the head and heart.
  • Toyota Camry 2013 First User Drive Review

 Toyota Camry 2013 is quiet cruising and give you a smooth ride and in 2013 toyota camry  improved interior quality with attractive pricing and it is very good car and must buy it if you want a smooth and safe drive.
new-toyota-camry-2013 with girl picture
We also cover in detail review of Toyota Camry 2013 and give you detail about technical specification of Toyota Camry 2013 and all available version of Toyota in market.
The SE would be our best choice among the many models available (L, LE, SE, SE V-6, XLE, XLE V-6, hybrid LE, and hybrid XLE).
toyota-camry-2013-hybrid new shape picture
Toyota has given its lineup of best-pitching Camry cars a full overhaul for 2013, yet at the outset look you may not even know it. Practically the whole lot—each bit of sheetmetal, each component of the Camry’s underbody structure, the suspension, and every bit of the inner part segments—is distinctive in the 2012, with just certain motors and transmissions persisted. Rather than attempting to make the new auto profoundly diverse, Toyota basically investigated the existing auto and asked how it might update almost each part to greatly improve the situation finished come about for guts esteems like solace and security.
Quite similar to the past Camry new Toyota camry  still like most average size vehicles today—the new 2013 Camry might be had with either four-chamber or V-6 motors. The 178-torque, 2.5-liter four-chamber motor that was presented for model-year 2012remains the base motor in the Camry, and its uncharacteristically smooth in the way it begins and sits; however you can catch a clue of coarseness in the event that you prod it hard, this motor furnishes more than enough control for most requirements. The 268-hp, 3.5-liter V-6 is still ready and gives the Camry a totally diverse, extravagance-auto temperament. In either case, the six-speed mechanical transmission moves unobtrusively and doesn’t shy away to downshift. The car handles very well. They have improved the comfort and ride. Great car for the money. It was a good deal
  •  New Toyota Hybrid 2013 Review and specifications
The all-new Toyota Camry hybrid has gone ahead bargain with an inconceivable record of upgrades and a mission to catch a greater amount of the private purchaser portion.
Toyota’s Camry has two different version of hybrid one is Toyota Hybrid H and Camry Hybrid L  and both hybrid have different specification.
Camry H has 16-inch alloy wheels with Michelin tyres. A six-speaker display audio system with a 6.1-inch screen.
Camry HL has 17-inch alloy wheels with Bridgestone tyres, front fog lamps, rear lip spoiler, chrome door handles and chrome rear garnish. There is not too much difference between both versions.
 Taking into account the new seventh-era Toyota Camry, the new hybrid reach is presently more fuel powerful, snappier and has a flatter beginning cost than the model it reinstates. Toyota is adhering to its weapons with hybrid engineering, asserting worldwide deals of over 3.5 million hybrid vehicles (the dominant part of which have been in Japan and North America), which the Japanese group states has safeguarded the planet 6.5 million litres of oil and 18 million tonnes of CO2 emanations.
 The intelligent use of advanced technologies provides Camry’s class leading, sporty driving performance and excellent fuel efficiency, generating a lively and immediate sense of exhilaration.
A host of advanced features contribute to the exciting sporty driving performance and excellent straight line stability of the Camry. You’ll experience outstanding driving performance and fuel efficiency, and at the same time as a smooth shifting feeling and quiet operation.
  • Toyota Camry 2013 has best Safety Features

Toyota Camry 2013 has ABS brake which ensures vehicle stability when braking on unstable roads, or during sudden braking. Electronic Brake force Distribution (EBD) control utilizes ABS to optimize braking force distribution, giving you excellent braking performance and control.

  • Interior of Toyota Camry2013
new camry has very stylish and good looking interior and you can see here the picture of interior and dashboard.
Toyota Camry 2013 interior-brown-color-leather
this car has Stylish and good looking  Interior .
Latest-Toyota-Camry 2013 interior-seats
this is Dashboard Picture of new Camry.
Toyota-Camry-car-mode- 2013 interior-picture
Grey color instrument panel interior picture of Toyota camry2013.
Toyota-Camry-model- 2013 interior
  • Brown Mica Metallic color of Toyota Camry
Toyota-Camry-2013 available colors in markets
  • Best Available color of Camry2013 in Auto-market
Toyota camry 2013 is available in markets in different colors but most popular and most liking color are white and black color but you can choose different color of Toyota Camry 2013 Car Model.
Toyota-Camry 2013-Alloy-rim company fitted-tyre
Toyota-Camry 2013-available colors-range-USA-Dubai-Pakistan-India- in markets
  • HD widescreen Toyota Camry Car Model Wallpaper

Toyota-Camry 2013-Price-Review

  • Toyota Camry 2013 Picture
Toyota-Camry 2013-Specifications-review
  • Navy Blue color
  • Factory fitted Alloyrim image
Toyota Camry 2013 Alloy rim company fitted
Toyota Camry 2013 has 2.5L engine and a very good performance and stable engine.
this Engine Picture of new model of Toyota Camry.
 White color Toyota Camry has highest sale in Dubai because due to hot weather mostly people prefer to buy Toyota Camry white color.
camry-hybrid-2013 car model picture
  • Toyota Camry 2013 Price in Dubai , Pakistan , India, USA and Singapore
In USA toyota camry 2013 price start from 22000$ to 30000$ and in Dubai Toyota Camry 2013 Price start from AED-84000 to AED-87000(Dhirham) and in Pakistan its price is Rs.9800000 and in India 6200000. Due to high power engine it price in India and Pakistan is high due to high taxes rate in these countries and this car is very popular and best sale in USA and Dubai.